Rock Types And Rock Cycle Webquest Answer Key

The Rock Types and Rock Cycle Webquest Answer Key is an indispensable resource for students seeking a comprehensive understanding of the diverse range of rocks and the intricate processes that shape their existence. This guide provides a detailed exploration of the various rock types, their characteristics, and the dynamic rock cycle that governs their formation and transformation.

The study of rocks unveils a captivating narrative of Earth’s history, revealing the forces that have molded our planet over eons. Through an examination of rock types and the rock cycle, we gain insights into the processes that have shaped the landscapes we inhabit and the resources we utilize.

Rock Types: Rock Types And Rock Cycle Webquest Answer Key

Rocks are naturally occurring solid aggregates of one or more minerals. They are classified into three main types based on their mode of formation: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

Igneous rocksare formed from the cooling and solidification of molten rock (magma or lava). They are further classified based on their texture and composition.

Sedimentary rocksare formed from the accumulation and cementation of sediments, which can be derived from the weathering of pre-existing rocks, the remains of organisms, or chemical precipitates.

Metamorphic rocksare formed from the alteration of pre-existing rocks due to changes in temperature, pressure, or chemical composition.

Rock Type Composition Texture Origin
Granite Quartz, feldspar, mica Coarse-grained Igneous (intrusive)
Basalt Plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene Fine-grained Igneous (extrusive)
Sandstone Sand grains (quartz, feldspar) Clastic Sedimentary
Limestone Calcium carbonate Crystalline Sedimentary
Marble Recrystallized calcite Metamorphic Metamorphic
Gneiss Foliated minerals Metamorphic Metamorphic

Rock Cycle

The rock cycle is a continuous process that describes the transformation of rocks from one type to another. It involves the processes of weathering, erosion, deposition, metamorphism, and igneous activity.

Weatheringis the physical and chemical breakdown of rocks at or near the Earth’s surface.

Erosionis the transportation of weathered materials by agents such as water, wind, and ice.

Depositionis the accumulation of eroded materials in new locations.

Metamorphismis the alteration of rocks due to changes in temperature, pressure, or chemical composition.

Igneous activityis the formation of new rocks from the cooling and solidification of molten rock.

Rock Cycle

The rock cycle is a continuous process, with rocks undergoing transformations from one type to another over time.

Webquest Answer Key

Rock types and rock cycle webquest answer key

Question Answer Explanation
What are the three main types of rocks? Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic Rocks are classified based on their mode of formation.
How are igneous rocks formed? From the cooling and solidification of molten rock Igneous rocks form when magma or lava cools and solidifies.
What is the difference between clastic and chemical sedimentary rocks? Clastic rocks are formed from the accumulation of sediments, while chemical rocks are formed from the precipitation of minerals from solution. Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of sediments, while chemical sedimentary rocks are formed from the precipitation of minerals from solution.
What causes metamorphism? Changes in temperature, pressure, or chemical composition Metamorphic rocks are formed when pre-existing rocks are altered due to changes in temperature, pressure, or chemical composition.
What is the role of the rock cycle in understanding the Earth’s history? The rock cycle provides a framework for understanding the formation and transformation of rocks over time The rock cycle shows how rocks are continuously transformed from one type to another, providing insights into the Earth’s geological history.

Query Resolution

What is the difference between igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks?

Igneous rocks are formed from the cooling and solidification of molten rock (magma or lava), sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation and compaction of sediments (such as sand, mud, or organic matter), and metamorphic rocks are formed when existing rocks are subjected to high heat and pressure.

What is the rock cycle?

The rock cycle is a continuous process that describes the transformation of rocks from one type to another over time. It involves processes such as weathering, erosion, deposition, metamorphism, and igneous activity.

How can the rock cycle help us understand Earth’s history?

The rock cycle provides a framework for understanding the geological events that have shaped our planet over time. By studying the different types of rocks and the processes that transform them, we can gain insights into past climates, tectonic activity, and other geological phenomena.